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The PTI Graphics Serial Adapter (8000006) connects the Site Graphics computer to the PTI Security System. When connected, the Site Graphics display will update in real-time. ????

For more information on this adaptor or other security products that we can provide, give us a call on +61 3 9014 1444 or email

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Say hello to our AI assistant.

PTI AI can assist you with your sales enquiries and support requests. So how do you use it? Visit the PTI website at, and you will see the PTI AI chat box in the corner.

For more information or questions, you can give us a call at +61 3 9014 1444 or email

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"Completed :)"

PTI Support feedback by Shenton Storage
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With EASY CODE you can boost customer loyalty by making a visit to your site a breeze instead of a burden with the convenience of a mobile app will improve your customer retention and help boost your bottom line.For more information on the security products that we can provide, give us a call on +61 3 9014 1444 or email #PTINZ
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Ask us how to leverage PTI’s door alarms and smart locks to improve operations and provide individualised security. Call us for more information about the door security solutions we can provide at +61 3 9014 1444 or email #PTINZ
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